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Home | REDYPER™ SF Delivers Diapers and Then Turns Them Into Dirt

REDYPER™ SF Delivers Diapers and Then Turns Them Into Dirt

Marin Mommies presents a sponsored article from REDYPER™ San Francisco

When I was pregnant, friends with little ones warned me that I would change a ridiculous number of diapers. “Well, duh,” I thought. “That’s just part of motherhood.” I had no idea just how many “a ridiculous number” was until my hands were raw and cracked from incessant hand washing and emptying the diaper pail became part of my daily routine.   

In your baby’s first month, they will go through 8-10 diapers per day. That’s up to 70 diapers per week. Little ones from age 0-3 go through a grand total of 5-7,000 diapers. Yikes. And beyond the tedium of changing this many diapers for up to 3 years straight, the waste really starts to add up. 


This tractor is mixing a pile of dirt that started as diapers! Photo cred: REDYPER™ SF

The reality is, no matter what type of diaper you use, if you toss it into the trash, it will take 500+ years to break down. With families in the U.S. using an estimated 27.4 billion disposable diapers every year, it’s no wonder diapers are the 3rd largest contributor by volume to our landfills. 

When parents learn about the waste factor, some turn to cloth in an effort to reduce their environmental impact. Unfortunately, cloth diapers can have an equal, and sometimes greater, carbon footprint than disposables. This is due to the high water and energy consumption required to produce and then wash the cloth diapers. 

So, what’s an eco-conscious (not to mention exhausted) parent to do? 

Store your dirty diapers in a compostable collection bag inside your diaper pail until pickup. Photo cred: DYPER™

REDYPER™ San Francisco turns plant-based diapers into dirt, diverting 14 tons of diapers from landfills every week. You can get DYPER™ brand diapers, wipes, and earth-friendly products, like diaper balm, baby shampoo, and nipple butter, delivered right to your doorstep. Your soiled diapers and wipes are collected weekly, commercially composted, and turned into dirt in as little as 14 weeks. 

DYPER™ diapers have been getting a lot of attention for both performance and reducing fossil fuel consumption and plastic waste. They’re silky soft, highly absorbent, and free of fragrances, dyes, lotions, and phthalates. The diapers have been featured in Rolling Stone, BabyGearLab, and BabyList as “Best eco-friendly parenting essentials,” “Best disposable diapers,” and “Best eco-friendly diapers.” 

Friendly drivers from REDYPER™ SF deliver diapers (and more) right to your doorstep. Photo cred: REDYPER™ SF

Marin Mommies readers can try REDYPER™ SF’s service free for 4-weeks and get 50% off a New Baby Intro Pack* with the code MARINMOM when you sign up

Learn more and sign up at You can also follow REDYPER™ SF on Instagram Facebook and subscribe to their newsletter. Questions? Learn more about the composting process here and all about how the delivery and pickup service works on the FAQ page

*Intro Pack includes everything you need for your first week of service: 2 packs of diapers, 2 packs of wipes, and 1 box of compostable collection bags. This offer is not to be combined with other offers. New customers only. Must be within the designated REDYPER™ SF delivery zone to redeem.