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Be Counted in the 2020 Census

Your children deserve to be counted Census 2020

Marin Mommies presents a guest post from Marin County high school student and local government intern Wesley Fink about the importance of the 2020 Census.

My name is Wesley Fink and I am an intern with Supervisor Katie Rice’s office and with Novato City Councilwoman Amy Peele, where I'm working to increase participation for the 2020 Census. I wanted to reach out to all of you to explain the importance of the census and encourage you to fill it out if you have not already. 

As enshrined by our Constitution, the census is carried out every 10 years to count our country’s total population and collect various statistics about it. However, it is important to note the census does not ask about your citizenship status, your social security number, or your banking information. Census data is used to direct federal funding into Marin that goes towards schools, highways, housing, and healthcare. Data is also used to ensure Marin gets its proper representation in government from the municipal level all the way up to Congress.

If you have already filled out the census, thank you for your contribution to our community! If you still need to, it’s not too late. You can fill out the survey online in under 15 minutes by going to Alternatively, call (844) 330-2020 to take the survey over the phone or send by mail. Beginning August 11, census takers will be going door-to-door to households that have not responded.