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Wendy Weaver
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Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: July 12, 2018

My child is suffering from mild bruxism

Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing good. My toddler is 2 years old now. He suffers from mild bruxism. I haven't taken him for first dentist appointment yet. My mom suggested taking him as soon as possible because it is already late. I called and fixed an appointment at an emergency dental care in Mississauga. I told the dentist about his teeth grinding habit. The appointment is scheduled for next week. When I asked regarding the check-up and procedures, the dentist told that it’s necessary to get a dental x-ray. I don’t want to take any chances for his safety. How safe are dental x-rays? Is radiation exposure okay for children of his age? Kindly share your wisdom regarding this.