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Home | Forums | Seeking Au Pair or Nanny starting mid-August
Todd Marcero
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: July 15, 2018

Seeking Au Pair or Nanny starting mid-August

Hello!  We are seeking a nanny (or au pair) starting mid-August and through (at the very least) the 2018 school year but likely for 2019 and beyond.  We have 2 daugthers, 5 and 7 years old, and live in Mill Valley.  We are two working parents, so weekly schedules could vary somewhat, but the general job will definitely involve post-school pick-ups and managing some afternoon activities in addition to basic help around the house.  If you are a nanny or your nanny is looking for work starting in August and this sounds interesting, please email me at or text to 917.584.6612.

