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March Classes and Programs at Parents Place Marin

Parent Place MarinParents Place in San Rafael has been a valuable resource for countless Marin County parents and families. This March, they offer a wide variety of programs, from childbirth education to classes for parents and children. Here are a few of the programs they offer starting in March:

JAMaROO Music Time, plus bonus free play! (9 months–4 years)

A fun-packed, 40-minute class that combines music, creative movement, and storytelling. Children will sing, play simple instruments, listen to stories, balance bean bags, and dance with streamers to a variety of music from around the world. Class themes relate to nature and the outside world. Parental supervision is required. (As a bonus, the playroom will be available for free play from 10:40 am until noon after each session.) Tuesdays, March 4–18, 10–10:45 am. $39 per child, $22.50 for each additional sibling, for three-week series. Register here.

Infant and Child CPR

Learn to recognize an infant or child in distress, rescue measures for choking, CPR techniques, and infant sleep safety. Includes hands-on practice with mannequins. One-year certification provided. Pre-crawling babies welcome. With Shanda Manion, CPR instructor certified by the American Heart Association in basic life support. $45. Thursday, March 6, 6:30–8:30 pm. Register here.

Oh Boy, Oh, Girl—Are We Ready?: Preparing Yourself and Your Older Child for the New Arrival (birth–10 years)

You've finally gotten used to being a parent, you've established nice routines, and you've even managed to carve out a few hours a week to yourself! But now, a new baby is coming, or already here, and there just isn't as much time to rest and prepare as there might have been with your first child. Learn more about how to have a smooth transition. During this workshop, we will discuss tips and strategies for preparing the family, behaviors to expect in the first few months, and ways to support healthy sibling relationships. With Bonnie Romanow, BA, childhood development specialist. Monday, March 10, 6:30–8:30 pm. $35. Register here.

The Magic of Kimochis: Practical Tools to Promote Emotional Intelligence in Children (2–6 years)

What does every parent want? A happy, healthy, confident kid! And research shows that kids who can handle their emotions and "bounce back" from upsetting moments actually do better in life. Since feelings fuel behaviors and all behaviors are a form of communication, strong communication skills are a key ingredient to happy, healthy, confident kids. During this workshop, you will learn seven simple, yet effective, Kimochis® Keys to Communication that bring more fun, joy, and connection to your family. You will leave re-energized, with specific communication skills that give you the words and the way to help your child manage upset feelings positively and help you feel more connected to your child. With Ellen Pritchard Dodge, M.ED, CCC-SLP. Thursday, March 20, 7–9 pm. $35. Register here.

Siblings without Rivalry (3–10 years)

Are you worn down by your children's competitiveness with each other, as well as their not-so-nice-but-otherwise-normal behaviors? Do you sometimes find yourself a deal maker, resorting to threats, bribes, or a raised voice to get your children to listen to you? Are you committed to raising your children to become respectful, ethical adults, but wonder how to manage that when they make you question your parenting skills? This lively workshop is for you! Learn how to diminish sibling rivalry and conflict and acquire practical strategies you can implement immediately to enhance relationships and reduce the friction at home. With Julie King, parent educator and "How to Talk" trainer. Mondays, March 24–April 7, 7–9 pm. $150 per person or $225 per couple for three-week series (fee includes $10 workbook). Register here.

Handling Parental Anger (all ages)

We're only human! Parenting young children is a joy. It is also one of the hardest jobs you'll ever do. Frustration and exhaustion are common, and anger cannot be avoided. We all lose our tempers occasionally, but learning to take care of our own feelings first is crucial before dealing with a child's behavior. During this workshop, gather information from the workshop leader and talk to other parents in similar circumstances. Devise a plan to deal with your anger so that it doesn't overtake you or harm your child or family life. Understand how and when your buttons are pushed and find constructive ways to express yourself. With Susan Byrd, LCSW. Tuesday, March 25, 6:30–8:30 pm. $35. Register here.

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk Part 1: Sunday Intensive (3–10 years)

Are you getting worn down by bedtime challenges, morning-rush madness, dawdling, whining, and other challenging behaviors? Do you find yourself too often resorting to threats, bribes, or raised voices? Learn practical strategies to improve cooperation and discipline, strengthen character, and enhance your relationships at home. Based on the bestsellers by Faber and Mazlish, this entertaining workshop consistently receives rave reviews. Here's what one participant said: "... immensely helpful, practical, and insightful." With Julie King, parent educator aSwitch to plain text editornd "How to Talk" trainer. Usually a four-week series, this workshop is being offered as a one-day intensive for those who can't attend for four weeks. Sunday, March 30, 10 am–4:30 pm. $199 per person, $299 per couple (includes $10 workbook). Register here.