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Marin Parents Place Helps New Parents Embrace the Monumental Changes in Their Lives

Parents Place in San Rafael has been a valuable resource for countless Marin County parents and families. They offer a wide variety of programs and classes for parents and children throughout the year. Here is a guest article by Rebecca Wood Breen, LCSW, Parents Place Coordinator, Marin County.

You are expecting a new baby, or your precious bundle of joy has just arrived. Congratulations! You must be over the moon.

But beyond euphoria, you may be experiencing many other feelings—fatigue, fear, confusion, and a sense of being overwhelmed—all mixed in with the excitement of your firstborn (or second, third, or fourth child!).

Not to worry. All of these feelings are common and understandable. There are also many techniques and tips available to help you and your spouse or partner manage the new changes in your and your baby’s life.

At Parents Place in San Rafael, we offer many services and programs to help you adjust to the monumental change that has occurred in your life: your new son or daughter! Here are a number of our offerings that will smooth your way:

  • A New Mom Discussion Group. Join other new mothers to discuss the joys and challenges of becoming a mom, make new friends, and network. We will discuss both practical and emotional issues of parenting, including breast and/or bottle-feeding; changing relationships with friends, family, and partner; helping your baby sleep through the night; and taking care of yourself. Babies welcome. With Rebecca Breen, LCSW.  Four-week series. Free, but preregistration required. Wednesdays, Apr. 22 – May 13.
  • Infant and Child CPR workshop. Learn to recognize an infant or child in distress, rescue measures for choking, CPR techniques, and infant sleep safety. Includes hands-on practice with mannequins. One-year certification provided. Pre-crawling babies welcome. With Shanda Manion, CPR instructor certified by the American Heart Association in basic life support. Thu., Apr. 23, 1:00 – 3:00 pm or Thu., May 7, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
  • Baby-Proofing Your Relationship workshop. During this workshop, learn tools to avoid the pitfalls that many other new and expectant parents couples fall into and ways to build your connection as a couple while providing a nurturing environment for your new baby. We'll be discussing the three Cs: Communication: effectively communicating and connecting; Coordination: being able to work as a team to get everything done and have a life; Cuddling: connecting physically to keep the romance alive.  With W. Keith Sutton, PsyD. Thu., May 14, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.
  • Infant Sleep Solutions workshop. Learn some great techniques to help your little one—and you!—sleep. We will discuss baby sleep needs and the best ways to help young ones learn good sleep habits. We will cover the importance of a baby schedule, challenges to baby sleep habits (developmental milestones), new SIDS research and guidelines, pros and cons of various sleep methods (Ferber, CIO, low/no-cry methods), infant/child sleep products, and choices: family bed, crib, and room sharing. Pre-crawling babies welcome. With infant sleep expert Sarah Middelton, MA, CD, PCD. Fri., May 15, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.
  • Toddler Sleep class. Learn how to help your toddler sleep. Topics include transition from crib or family bed to toddler bed; potty training and sleeping; nightmares and sleep; preschool and sleep; and new baby/sibling jealousy and sleep. We will also discuss toddlers’ sleep needs and the impact developmental milestones may have on sleep. With Lauren Aiken, board -certified lactation consultant, lactation educator, and sleep consultant trained by Angelique Millette in the Millette Method. Thu., May 21, 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Be on the lookout later this year for workshops and programs that help new dads adjust to their roles, plus the return of our ever-popular infant massage series.

Parents Place also offers new and expectant parents a range of coachingand counseling options that provide moms and dads with all of the support and guidance they need as they embark on the exciting journey of parenthood. Our experienced parent educators and clinicians are skilled in all areas of child-raising and are happy to assist you with any concern and challenge that may arise.

To learn more about all of our services and programs for new and expectant parents, go to You can also call us at 415-491-7959. Parents Place in Marin County is conveniently located in downtown San Rafael—at 600 Fifth Avenue.