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Novato Parents Nursery School Open House

NPNS Open House

We welcome you to join us on Tuesday, February 6 from 5:30–8 pm for an open house at Novato’s parent participation preschool. This year we are proud to celebrate 50 years as a play-based, mixed-age school that allows parents the unique opportunity to be involved in their child’s first schooling experience.

Novato Parents Nursery School
1473 South Novato Blvd

As a parent at Novato Parents Nursery School (NPNS) myself, I want to share the two most special things that drew me to this school:

  1. Community: The school boasts well educated, experienced and dedicated ECE teachers. But the magic, you’ll see, is that we are owned and run by the parents of of the current year’s students. From painting the new play-house, to caring for the garden, to running the day-to-day admin duties, you’ll see parent volunteers working hard alongside each other to make our school great. The camaraderie and community that this fosters has been an irreplaceable experience for me as a parent and has also given also give us a second “home” where my child feels safe, accepted and loved.
  2. A Focus on Social/Emotional Skills: Our school is play-based, mixed-age and uses the fundamentals of Positive Discipline. These are some of the ingredients that help our students experience the world around them with all of their senses, allowing them to engage with other children and learn how to work through their emotions in a healthy and age-appropriate way, preparing them for Kindergarten not just academically, but most importantly, socially and emotionally.

NPNS offers a morning program from 9 am–noon and an aftercare “lunch bunch” program for children ages 2.5–5 years old. Children do not need to be potty trained to enroll. Also, for toddlers aged 18 months to 2.5 years, we offer a Toddler Time parent/caregiver & me program based on interest level.

Contact to RSVP for the open house or to schedule a tour.