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Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: May 9, 2016

Ross Valley Charter School

We are about to move back to the Bay Area, Marin specifically and I am wondering if anyone has thoughts/ideas about the new Charter School meant to open this Fall. I know they are still securing a location but what's the buzz about this school? Does it seem legit? Thanks in advance!

Loving parent
Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 02/21/2017 - 4:51pm

My reply in short would be NO. The buzz is a hell no. There have been over 1,000 Nextdoor posts in opposition of this charter. Please read the numerous IJ articles and comments.

Loving parent
Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 02/21/2017 - 4:51pm
Vandalism by RVcharter community

You should know that RV charter parents and children have been vandalizing private property with legal signs asking people to attend their Public schools. Read police reports from this month (Feb 2017) in Fairfax and San Anselmo.

Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 03/20/2009 - 11:58am
Please get good info about RVC

There are parents (such as on this commenter above) who feel empowered to propagandize and scare off other parents who would like to have a legal right to free, public school options rather than accept the fact that the school will be opening in the fall of 2017, and it will be successful doing so. Let's have some statistics:

Marin has only four authorized charter schools, and only 1.5% of Marin K-12 students have access to charter schools compared to 10% statewide. Overall, in California, there are 1,254 charter schools serving 650,000 students. 18% of Marin K-12 students attend private schools, compared with about 8% statewide. A proliferation of private schools in Marin can be seen as proof of few reasons:

A lot of wealth in the area; parents who value educational choices and seek them; lack of finding a good fit in their local public school and travelling elsewhere; not feeling that their child is progressing or getting the attention they need.

ALL kids (and their families) should have the best fitting educational choices, no matter their income.

Ross Valley Charter is : A free, public option in education with excellent, experienced teachers and a vibrant community of families who believe in shaping and participating in their child's education.

Watch some inspiring videos about RVC -- HERE:

Here are some NEW FAQ's about the school:

Thanks for listening. I'm posting this as a future RVC parent!

Loving parent
Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: 02/21/2017 - 4:51pm
I will add...

RVC budget works for 220 students. They only have 109 in-district kids to date. The first year they will fill the other seats with out of district kids. The second year, those out of district kids do not get a seat through the Prop 39 site location agreement and the budget then?!

They are counting on parent volunteers for the TK/K/1 classes instead of a paid teachers aid. 1) parent volunteers are not contractual 2) it is illegal to mandate parent volunteer hours in public schools 3) this pattern by RVC teachers was considered illegal and discriminatory historically.

These things would factor into my decision making.

Andrew Fox
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Last seen: 47 min 8 sec ago
Joined: 01/23/2007 - 11:46am
Closing this topic

This really isn't the place to argue about the RVC. Closing this forum post to further discussion.

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