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Pregnant: A Field Guide to FatheringWhile there are a lot of parenting books out there, I haven't found too many that I really like—until now. Pregnant: a Field Guide to Fathering (134 pages, $10.95), by Marin County father and author Gary Kleiman, is exactly the parenting book I wish would have written. It's funny, comforting, useful, and profound, and if you're a hands-on, inquisitive dad or a dad to be, it should be required reading. (I only wish that Gary published it six years ago so I had it when my first child was born.)

Pregnant: A Field Guide to Fathering is divided into two sections. The first, "Getting Daddy Ready," deals with the preparations for parenthood that every father-to-be experiences, and offers sage advice on mentally and emotionally preparing yourself for your new role, as well as supporting the mother-to-be. The second section is titled "Field Guide to Your Child," and is relevant to parenting children of all ages. It features discourses on such topics as the finer points of choosing a diaper, crying and how to live with it, what to do when your child decided she wants a pet, the joy of undertaking art projects at home, and much more.

Like any indispensible field guide, it's a compact volume that you can slip into a backpack, briefcase, glovebox, or pocket and have handy for those times when you absolutely need a bit of advice or inspiration. The book also includes selected advice from other dads, suggested reading, and plenty of blank pages for you to write in your own notes.

Gary is the single father of a 8-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter, and has enjoyed a variety of careers, including dancer, cowboy, and fine woodworker. He also ran Fairfax's BookBeat independent bookstore and café. You can read excerpts and reviews of the book, as well as order copies at, or you can buy it at