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Parent-Toddler Classes at Curious Minds in Corte Madera

Curious Minds Parent-Toddler ProgramCorte Madera preschool Curious Minds Learning Center is now enrolling for parent-toddler classes for children aged 16 to 24 months and their caregiver. Current classes are held once a week for an hour and a quarter, from 4 to 5:15 pm.

Research shows that toddlers actively take part in making meaning of their surroundings as they openly explore the world around them. This class is designed to meet this need and create a safe, warm, supportive, and stimulating environment for you and your toddler.

Experiences include a wide range of expressive media: clay, watercolor, light and shadow, collage, and rhythm, and movement, as well as a period of outdoor play and a short circle time. The environment encourages exploration and experimentation, while building relationships with other children and families through shared experiences and negotiated play.

In addition, the class is a wonderful introduction to the Reggio-inspired philosophy at Curious Minds. Many toddlers join Curious Minds' preschool programs as they age out of these introductory classes.

Fall 2016 class begins Wednesday, September 14, from 4 to 5:15 pm and runs through Wednesday, December 14, with no class on Wednesday, November 23. Series fee is $400. Curious Minds Learning Center is located at 47a Tamal Vista Boulevard in Corte Madera. Learn more by calling (415) 927-2616 or visiting