GATE Academy

GATE Academy Where gifted kids thrive!
GATE Academy is a small, fully accredited, independent, preK-8 school that has served academically gifted children for 25 years.
Gifted children have different learning needs. These include alternative curriculum delivery methods with individualized lesson plans, and grouping developmentally similar students together. To achieve this, GATE Academy clusters motivated and cognitively gifted students in small classroom groups with their social, emotional and intellectual peers, providing them with an inquiry-based, accelerated, self-paced curriculum in a school environment that celebrates them for who they are.
With inquiry-based learning, GATE students learn how to learn anything - and they learn to become creators of knowledge, rather than simply consumers of facts. GATE Academy’s unique learning environment allows its students to thrive, and become compassionate, curious and creative learners for life. Private tours are available by appointment.
415-491-4700 |