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Home | Seeking PT Nanny Share in San Rafael - Starting March or Sooner
lisa stricker
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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: April 30, 2013

Seeking PT Nanny Share in San Rafael - Starting March or Sooner

I am looking for share care for my 19m daughter. We live in San Rafael (Gerstle Park) and are looking for someone who has an existing nanny that they would like to share! Ideally, I would need care on Mon., and Tues. but Im also flexible

Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 05/12/2015 - 8:06am
Hi there, I see this post is

Hi there, I see this post is quite old but I am looking for a similar nanny share and am right in your neighborhood. Let me know if you would like to talk? Thanks!