Marin County Swim Team Signups 2025

One of our favorite sports activities is swimming, and there's no better way to get involved and have a blast than to compete with your local swim team. It's fun, and really builds swimming skills and great sportsmanship.
Listed below are the 10 Marin Swim League swim teams, for kids ages 5 to 18, and their registration dates. For more information on the Marin Swim League, visit
- Tidalwaves
Registration open now
Mill Valley
- Scott Valley Sea Serpents
Registration info TBA - Strawberry Seals
Registration open now
Bay Club Stringrays
Registration open now -
Registration open now
San Anselmo
- Sleepy Hollow Sea Lions
Registration open for returning swimmers, January 20 for new swimmers
San Rafael
- Lucas Valley Lighting
Registration opens January 20 for LVHA members, January 27 for all - Marinwood Waterdevils
Registration open January 22 - Swimarin
Registration TBA - Terra Linda Orcas
Registration open now