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Home | 12 Days of Holiday Books: Too Many Tamales

12 Days of Holiday Books: Too Many Tamales

Too Many TamalesMaria wants to act grown up and help her mother knead the masa for the traditional tamales for her Mexican-American family's Christmas feast. Poet and author Gary Soto's Too Many Tamales! (32 pages, Putnam Juvenile, 1996) tells the story of a Christmas Maria won't soon forget with charm and warmth, helped by the vivid illustrations of Ed Martinez.

Maria will feel really grown up if she wears her mother's sparkling diamond ring. Needless to say, mom's ring is at the center of why the book is titled Too Many Tamales!. We won't give anything away, but everything ends just fine as Aunt Rosa declares to a relieved Maria that the second batch of tamales always tastes better than the first!

Too Many Tamales is a fitting addition to your holiday read-aloud repertoire. It's got suspense, a happy ending, and joyful celebration of family and a delicious Mexican holiday tradition. Our kids love the story, and they're bugging us to make tamales this Christmas. I just hope my daughter doesn't try to wear my ring while she's mixing the masa…

There's a Spanish language version (¡Qué montón de Tamales!) available as well. Find it at your local library or at


Too Many Tamales Holiday show in SF!

HI! If you love the book "Too Many Tamales", come on over to The Marsh on 22nd and Valencia and see our Marsh Youth Theater's charming theatrical version of the show. We'll be offering tamales after the show. 2 pm nearly every day during the holiday the vacation. Check out the dates and description at our website: or write for info: