Slide Ranch Summer Camps 2025

Registration is open now for Marin's popular Slide Ranch Summer Day Camp! With sessions taking place from June 9 through August 15, 2025 at their spectacular seaside location in Muir Beach, camps at Slide Ranch give kids a unique opportunity to get hands-on experience on a working farm and also explore the natural world surrounding the ranch. Note that there is no camp the week of June 30–July 4.
Camps at Slide Ranch give kids a unique opportunity to get hands-on experience on a working farm and also explore the natural world surrounding the ranch. Slide Ranch's nature-based camps geared for kids ages 5–11 and teens ages 12–17 can participate in a camp group as Counselors in Training.
Slide Ranch's in-person camps emphasize hands-on experience and exploration of the farm and the surrounding countryside. Programs encourage campers to touch, taste, smell, hear, observe, and ask questions.
Camp at Slide Ranch focuses on teaching respect for animals, plants, the earth, and each other. Slide Ranch campers milk goats, collect eggs from chickens and ducks, card and spin wool, create nature-based crafts, learn to compost, plant seeds, harvest and cook from the ranch's organic garden, and explore the tide pools and trails of the surrounding coastal wild lands.
2025 camp fees are $650 plus fees ($495 for Counselors-in-Training), and camps run 9:30 am–3 pm, Monday–Friday. Morning and afternoon extended care is available. Registration is open now for both members and non-members. Learn more about becoming a member here.
Slide Ranch, located in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area near Muir Beach, is extremely popular and offers limited enrollment — all there programs usually sell out — so register early! Learn more and register online at
Founded in 1970, Slide Ranch is a 501(c)3 non-profit teaching farm located at an historic dairy ranch perched above the ocean. The farm features a turn-of-the-century farmhouse, an old creamery, organic gardens, goats, sheep, chickens, and ducks, as well as access to miles of trails, tide pools, and beaches. It's the perfect place for hands-on environmental education!
Photos: Slide Ranch.