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Home | Cool Cooking Birthday Parties with Pine Point Cooking School

Cool Cooking Birthday Parties with Pine Point Cooking School

Pine Point Cooking School birthday partyLooking for a unique hands-on birthday party for kids ages 9–15? Celebrate your child's birthday with a fun and delicious cooking party at Sausalito's Pine Point Cooking School! The guests and birthday girl/boy will learn to prepare a tasty Mediterranean-inspired lunch or dinner, and of course eat it, too.

Partygoers will cook appetizers, marin courses, side dishes, and dessert. Possible dishes include Greek cheese triangles, roast polenta, chicken saltimbocca, and pizza. The menu is planned with the birthday honoree's tastes in mind. The lesson turns into a party as everyone eats what they've cooked around the dining table (parents are invited, too). The celebration wraps up with party favors and a rousing chorus of "Happy Birthday" over dessert!

Cooking parties at Pine Point Cooking School generally last around four hours. Cost is $325 for up to six participants (including the birthday child).

For more information,go to or call Adrianna at (415) 332-4352.